Monday, December 1, 2008

Dylan at 17 months

Dear Dylan,

I can NOT believe that you are already 17 months old. It seems like yesterday that we were expecting you and look at you: You are no longer our little baby (although you always will be my baby no matter how old you are) but you are a curious, energetic toddler. Below is a list of all the things that you did at 17 months:
* You visited grandpa and grandma Moen in Utah and spent your 2nd Thanksgiving there along with mommy and daddy.
* You enjoyed ham and turkey and finished your entire plate :)
* You loved Wendy and Decker (grandma/pa's dogs) and wanted to see them first thing in the morning when we were in Utah "doggies, doggies"
* You love to say "Hi" and "Bye" to everyone (even when placed on a changing table at a public restroom).
* You love Elmo and DVD's in daddy's car. When we strap you in the car seat you will look up, point to the ceiling and demand "Ebbo", "EBBO".
* You love "Nannies" = bananas
* You go to sleep around 6:45 - 7 p.m. and only cry for about 2 min. before falling asleep
* You are finally having your LOVIES (you enjoy your disney pig and Pier 1 piggy)
* You are doing really good eating with your fork
* You certainly love ice cream :)
* Size 5 shoes (daddy got you some "dr. stankfoot" sneakers)
* You said a twice in one day at daycare "Poop" and sure enough Cori found a pooper in your diaper. Should we start potty training??
* You are curious and love to explore and check out things (what is behind, how does this work, etc.)
* you started playing hide and seek
* You say: hi, bye, doggie, duckie, nanna, ice, mmmh, hello, hi guys, broom broom, apple, elmo and ebbo, daddy, mommie, dada, more, circle, oval,

And here is what Daddy had to say about you at 17 months:
Dylan's words:
Yes, no, ok, nanna/nanny (for banana), mama/mom, papa, doggie, mama (=llama), tiga (=tigger our cat), baby, apple, elmo (he points at the TV while saying it), bye bye, poop
Milestones this month:
- he is climbing
- runs short distances
- waves bye
- kisses and hugs
- walks backwars
- uses a fork and spook really well
- can identify and apply and banana in his book
- drinks for a sports bottle
- pet his first dog
Things he does:
- he likes to point
- loves to smile a lot
- walks with arms to his side and out in front of him like Frankenstein
- growls and roars like a lion
- kicks in his high chair
- throws Cheerios and Crunchies all over the back seat of the car
- runs for short distances
- walks backwards
- climbs on anything he can find
- loves to pick up leaves on the ground
- holds hands
- hugs his piggy
Things he hates:
- Dr. Khanna's office
- Changing table
- getting dressed in the morning
- not getting what he wants
Things he loves:
- holding hands
- reading books
- watching Elmo movies
- eating bananas
- taking baths
- brushing his teeth
Our little man has grown at least an inch this month. His little beer belly is slowly going away and he loves to climb on everything. He likes his toys esp. books and his farmer tad toy. He is such a well behaved little man; he only melts down when he really needs something like a diaper change, food, sleep.
We recently took him on a 500 miles road trip to Utah. He loved to run on grandpa's farm. Every day he would say Mama and point to the 5 Llamas grandpa has in the yard. He likes to play with the dogs and look at all the rocks on the ground. He had a really good time and we cannot wait to take him on our next adventure. 

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