Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dylan at 16 Months

- Loves to read.
- His favorite books are “Noisy Farm” & “The very hungry caterpillar”.
- Loves to go to swim lessons and started to kick his legs. Will do the “kitty/doggie” arm movements every so often.
- Started to become a picky eater. Will push food away when he does not want it and say “No”. Uses the fork and is doing pretty good with it.
- Still uses “No” all the time for anything.
- Will pick a book out of his toy boxes, bring it to mommy or daddy, crawl in our lap and wants us to read to him. Melts my heart.
- Loves watching DVD’s in daddy’s car. His favorite are “Elmo” and “Thomas the train”. Will point to the ceiling when he is in the car seat and indicate that he wants to watch a movie.
- Will throw his sippy cup left or right when he is done. Little Stinker.
- Is running. Loves to be chased around the house and will run away and laugh hysterical when I tell him that I get him and tickle him.
- Loves his 2 stuffed animal pigs. So cute to finally see him have a “lo-vie”.
- Gives very VERY rare and very selected “open mouth, slobbery” kisses.
- Is sitting on the toilet for a few minutes before bath time.
- Loves spaghettios, yoghurt, English Muffins with cheese and meat, bananas, meatballs.
- Will allow daddy to give him a haircut when we give him a popsicle as bribe.
- Had his first popsicle this month and loves it.
- Favorite toys: books, red barn that makes animal noises, vacuum cleaner at school, cars, bath toys.
- Has 8 teeth (6 on the top (2 molars) and 2 on the bottom).
- Loves to listen to the “Muffin Man” song on the way home from day care.
- Walks really good on the hand and stays with us at the mall/and doesn’t run away.
- Will put his head on your shoulder when he is tired.
- Takes 1 nap per day (usually around noon - 2 p.m.)
- Wears size 12 - 18 months and some 18 - 24 months.
- Loves farm animals.
- Had his first full blown “testing” tantrum when daddy had his union meeting one night.
- Sleeps from 6:45 p.m./7 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.
- Says “bubbles” in addition to all the other things he has said before.
- Bite 2 times another toddler at daycare. Is being told when his behavior is not acceptable.