Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dylan at 15 Months

- Says “mama”, “papa”, “dada”, “appleba”, “tigga”, “bubble”, “wawa” (for water), “hi”, “okay”, “bye”, “backe, backe” and just started saying “no”. No is without a doubt his favorite word and is used 95% of times.
- Has 6 teeth (4 on the top and 2 on the bottom). We think that one or two molars are about to break through soon.
- Loves to eat bananas, apple bars, waffles, cheese sticks, grapes, fruit, yoghurt and cherries/cookies.
- Spills cherries all over mom’s and dad’s back seat in an attempt to pick out the good stuff that is located underneath the cherries (= cookies).
- Walks like a champ and has started running (still falls down when he is tired).
- Wears size 4 diapers.
- Follows some direction (f.-ex. “Dylan, can you please bring mommy your sock?” He usually will bring the sock to me).
- Weights 25 lbs 13 oz and is 31 inches long.
- Wears size 12 - 18 months cloths (Mom likes to shop at the Baby Gap and will buy bigger sizes up to 2 T so he can wear them for more than a few months).
- Drinks 3 cups of organic whole milk each day.
- Hates to have his teeth brushed and usually struggles and screams.
- Does no longer love baths (stands up immediately when placed in the bathtub) and holds on to the side and refuses to sit down.
- Will do the “kitty”/”doggy” movement when asked (this is the arm movement he learned at swim class). Loves his swim lessons. Each time we enter the pool area at the Rosebowl Aquatics Center, he squirrels with excitement and wants to get in the water immediately. If we do not take him in right away he will throw a mini baby tantrum.
- Is a really good baby and usually only cries when he’s tired or when he’s hungry.
- Loves to play outside. His favorite outside toys are slides and the sandbox.
- Loves music and shakes his body when he hears it.
- Loves the acrylic paints in the office and can spend hours unloading the paints and putting them back in the crop in style cube.