Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dylan @ 12 months

- Weights 21 lbs 12 oz (40 percentile) and is 29 inches long (45 percentile). His head circumference is in the 25 percentile.
- Says “dada”, “papa”, “mama”, “Omi”, “Opi”, “Babba”, “wow”, “mmmmhhh”, oh boy” (only one time so far), “okay” and “hi”.
- Has 4 - 5 bottles of formula (between 6 - 8 ounces a day, plus 2 - 3 solids and snacks).
- Drinks from sippy cup.
- Hates diaper changes and rolls from back to front in 0.1 seconds. Pulls himself up to the window and open the curtains and looks at the cars.
- Takes all his baths in the big bath tub.
- Loves to eat (this kid can eat 24/7 if we let him). His favorite foods are crunchies, bananas, waffles, broccoli, pasta, yogurt, pretty much everything you offer him.
- Crawls really, really, really fast. Pulls up on everything and everyone. Walks for up to 8 - 10 steps when we hold him on two hands. Will stand on his own for about 10 seconds if he doesn't know it.
- Loves to play with his play mobile (esp. the barn and the doors).
- Loves to open drawers, doors, and loves to crawl in and out of doorways and in between the safety gates.
- Loved the indoor playground (his 2nd time).
- Reaches for mommy and says "mama  mamam".
- Stands up in his crib almost every morning.
- Has 4 teeth (2 are fully out (the bottom 2) and 2 are coming in right now (top 2)).
- Has a rough time sleeping through the night right now (not sure if it's due to teething or not).
- Has been in an adult size pool for the very first time on 6/22 for Miles 1st Birthday and loved it (after initial hesitation).
- Loves books and will flip through pages when sitting in his car seat.
- Just received his first Elmo laptop and loves it.
- Loves to sit in the big boy shopping cart seat.
- Has become a true little dare devil (nothing is too high, needs to explore everything, needs to see what is inside drawers).
- Wears size 12 - 18 months and some 18-24 months (those are big on him), still fits in some 6 - 12 months cloths (depending on the company).
- Wears size 4 diapers (Huggies).
- We bought his first real shoes the day before his birthday (one of his presents).
- Celebrated his first birthday party at Arbor County Park. Had his first cupcake and frosting (loved it and made a gigantic mess :)).
- Likes to chase Tigger.
- Likes balls - can throw balls and roll them back and forth.
- Had fun opening presents and gift wrap.
- Hates getting a haircut (bribes are no longer possible).
- Loves going to Disney.
- Watched his first movie (Baby Einstein and Curious George).
- Is forward facing in Jer's car and really seems to enjoy it.
- Loves music and shakes his booty.
- Is finally drinking his water.
- Still shoves at least 2 or 3 of his fingers in his mouth when eating/feeding himself. Dr. Khanna said to wait till his 15 month appointment to see if he is getting the hang but if he doesn't to contact early intervention to set up some physical therapy.
- Did not get any 12 month shots other than hepatitis (will get the MMR in 3 single shots around his 2 year birthday). Was screaming bloody murder at the doctor's office today.
- Waves “hi”.
- Loves to clap his hands.
- Loves to do "Hoppe Hoppe Reiter" and "Backe Backe Kuchen".
- Does not understand the concept of "NO" and will go right back to the item we don't want him to get into (trash in his room, fan in his room, and stove in the kitchen).
- Still loves his pacifier.
- Still does not give kisses (to mommies disappointment).